Balangagown Hunting is only 45 minutes from Auckland central, or, 1 hour from the Auckland International Airport. This makes it perfect for a sneaky day-hunt midweek, or a longer stay while visiting Auckland.

Destination New Zealand

Auckland is New Zealand's largest city. As such, it's makes it the logical first port of call for visitors to New Zealand.

If you are heading to our beautiful country, and looking for something different to do for a day trip, or maybe planning on heading further down south for a longer expedition hunt, Balnagown provides the perfect place to decompress for a couple of days after a long flight, settle into a grove and get your trigger finger and hunting prowess in tune for bigger hunts to come.

Regular international flights come into our airport, and many domestic flights to smaller city and town destinations can be taken on your return from the estate.

If you need help getting from the Airport, get in touch. We want to make the experience as easy as possible and can likely help out.

Need to get some equipment sorted for the trip? Get in touch, we can also help with outfitting and setting yourselves up for success.

While you are here...

Let us know how long you are in Auckland for, and we can also advise on some other places to visit. It's our home, and we are proud to share it with you.